Securing a construction site is vital irrespective of the project- big or small, simple or complicated.
Lack of construction site safety leads to accidents and mishaps that could be life-threatening not only to the workers/labours involved but poses risk to bystanders, neighbours, and damages builders’ reputation.
Read on to know more about need for securing a construction site and a complete checklist (both, for builders and clients) to improve site security.
Why is site safety important?

POV: Loss of Time, loss of life and escalation of project cost are the major repercussions if construction site safety is neglected.
Avoiding workplace injuries, accidents and safety of construction workers is the prime concern of every construction contractor or developer.
The clients share the equal responsibility of ensuring construction site safety in terms of theft, restricted entry and much more.
Have a look why construction site safety stands utmost important in today’s scenario.
1. To prevent accidents and other life-threatening mishaps

Safety is one of the critical aspects of every construction site but is often overlooked.
This negligence results in some of the major fatal and non-fatal injuries to the labours and even the persons involved.
Injuries, falling objects, loose scaffoldings, defective machines, fire-breakout etc, result in accidents that may not only cost life of an individual but also may result in some irreplaceable loss.
2. Strong & thriving Structures ensures everything is up to snuff

A long-lasting structure reflects high Quality of Work. And this can only be achieved if the proper safety measures, protocols and other measures are followed die-heartedly.
A poorly constructed building defames the builder, poses collapse risks to the building itself as well as other neighbouring properties.
3. Loss of resources (finances, labour, money, time, material)

When any accident happens on the construction site, it results in repairable or irreparable damage.
To patch up the same, the work gets stopped (may be temporarily) which significantly impacts the
- project completion time,
- Additional work means requiring more finances.
- More labour hours to perform the work.
- New material to compensate the damage.
In a nutshell, downtime (no matter what) is costly for sure.
Types of accidents occurring on construction site
Hazards on construction site, be it in any form are catastrophic and may turn fatal if not dealt on time.
Let’s check the reasons and types of accidents that may occur at the construction site.
1. Accidents triggered due to human reasons
Lack of human negligence is one of the prime factors which is responsible for construction site accidents.
Many accidents such as fire, explosion, electrocution, gas leakage, theft falling objects etc occur due to human related reasons such as:
- Lack of knowledge
- Lack of interest in other work
- Poor of skill/training
- Carelessness in supervision
2. Faulty Working equipment and Construction practices
Health and safety on a construction site completely depends upon the working methods followed and other construction practises that are undertaken on site.
Here are some of the reasons that are the root cause of major accidents.
- No site layout and planning
- Substandard use of materials such as loose scaffolding and trenches
- No use of protective equipment such as helmet, PPE suits, etc.
- Working with faulty or defective machinery
- Not following the construction protocols
- No safety supervisor appointed, no doctor on site.
- Improper storage of construction materials that may result in people falling or getting injured.
3. Structural failures
There are some types of accidents which can neither be predicted nor can be controlled such as:
But their occurrence can be mitigated by acting proactively during the pre-construction phases.
How to improve construction site security?
Now, let’s check the roles and responsibilities of builders (construction contractors), designers and client to ensure health and safety in construction site.
Responsibility of Designer
The designer of the project plays an incredibly significant role during the development of the project.
Yes, it’s inevitable that safety of the construction workers is the sole responsibility of the construction contractor, but it is directly related to the decisions taken by the designer.
The designer shall design the building in such a way that it becomes easy for the construction workers to understand the blue prints and shall be safe to construct the highest parts of the structure.
Builder/ Developer and Construction Contractor Checklist

Construction site management system
Following a construction site management system help early detection and elimination of safety hazards.
Proper PPE (personal protective equipment) Kit
The construction contractor should ensure that every worker wears protective gears when working on-site such as helmet, safety glasses, gloves, proper clothing, footwear, high visibility vests etc.
On-site construction safety
Presence of doctor, first-aid kits, construction safety manager and installing construction site safety signs should be done.
Proper awareness and training of workers
Workers and other on-site labours should be made aware about the potential safety hazards. Also, proper training should be imparted to new recruits to mitigate the risks.
Clear communication
Clear on-ground communication and expectations should be shared with the workers. Discussions, walkie-talkie, headphones can be used that leverage lighting fast communication.
Well-oiled and maintained equipment
The machinery and other equipment should be well supervised and inspected frequently to avoid any unexpected mishaps. Defective machinery should be discarded or repaired before use.
Scaffolding, ladders, and stairways
Scaffoldings, ladders and stairways should be secured properly as even a small blip may snowball into a major issue.
Secured Trenches
The trench should be surrounded by significant barriers to as to eliminate any reason for slip, fall or collapse.
Client Checklist

Site safety does include protecting the site from theft, vandalism, and other issues. Here, the responsibility of the client or the property owner becomes inevitable.
The clients need to follow the below mentioned checklist to ensure construction site security.
Establishing a proper security plan
A security plan stands vital for the construction site as it helps identify vulnerable points, valuable assets and developing strategies to protect them.
Securing the vicinity
Putting up fences or gates to restrict the entry and keeping away the trespassers will make sure that your assets stay protected.
Installing the lights
A well-lit construction site ensures good visibility at night and will deter criminals, trespassers, or robbers.
Locking the valuables
It may be impossible to lock bigger equipment such as cranes or partially built structures. However, shipping/big containers can be used to lock smaller equipment that’ll protect it from theft and vandalism.
Installing surveillance systems
Installing surveillance cameras on the construction side not only monitor the construction site but will also help protect your equipment and keep you updated on the real time situations.
Hiring security officer
Hiring security officer or a security guard would help patrol the property at night. These officers will not only deter the trespassers, vandals and robbers but also keep an eye on the equipment.
Going for a Risk assessment plan
Hiring a good construction company in London will offer proper construction site inspection and identification of any loopholes or weak points in your security by performing a security risk assessment.
Putting up construction site signs
Security signs accompanied by a surveillance are like cherry on the top. Signs such as “keep out” or “construction ahead” make the people aware of an ongoing construction work.
How TEL Constructions Build a Culture of Safety on Your Construction Site?
TEL Constructions is one of the leading construction companies in London renowned not only for delivering world-class structures but for maintain exceptional safety management for the projects.
The culture of safety is deeply ingrained in the company as they never leave a stone unturned to ensure the safety of the workers and the construction site.
Be it regular training and upskilling, or using top-class advanced equipment, the workers along with other people involved stand completely safe and protected here.
The team at TEL Constructions is aware and well-versed about the construction site safety protocols and adhere to them strictly.
POV: This is the secret behind TEL Constructions’ on-time delivery of projects that too being delivered within the promised Budget!
Why wait? Grab your phone and call TEL Constructions right away for a free quote for your project.
Bottom Line
When it comes to construction industry, the ultimate goal is always to mitigate construction site injuries, accidents and save lives.
Be it the designer, builder or a normal worker; if every person involved in the construction process plays their part well with safety and security in mind, the outcome will be phenomenal for sure.
There is no well-defined way to eliminate the number of site accidents to zero, but by following the above-mentioned construction safety guidelines will definitely help achieve that.